Joordens Zaden

Other nitrogen fixation crops

Field pea

Field pea (Pisum sativum) production has many benefits when grown in a crop rotation with the aim to produce part of your own required nitrogen, providing a diversified crop rotation and interrupting pest cycles in other crops. Field peas have high dry matter production and N fixation capabilities under a wide range of growing conditions. The remains quickly break down after crop destruction. Field pea have a larger N fixing and growth potential when compared with red lentils

Red lentil

The crop red lentil (Lens culinaris) is well adapted to temperate zones of the world or the winter season in Mediterranean climates. The two lentil market classes are red and green.


Seradella (Ornithopus sativus) is adapted to regions with a Mediterranean-type climate and to warm, temperate areas. It requires annual rainfall of 500 mm upwards. The life cycle is adapted to escape summer drought. Late flowering types require more rainfall during autumn to spring than early-flowering types in order to encourage seed production. Tolerant of infertile, acid soils.


Sainfoin (Onobrychis) is a highly nutritious plant and an excellent source of nectar for honey production as well as pollen for bee feed. Sainfoin is difficult to establish as pasture, is not persistent in grassland and only yield one crop of hay or seeds per year.